The Dinarics region of South-Eastern Europe covers about 100.000 km2 and more than 6.000 km of stunning coastline, stretching over the entire area oriented towards the Adriatic Sea from Trieste (Italy) to Tirana (Albania).
The area is amazingly rich with natural and cultural heritage. Oak, beech, and conifer forests nestle alongside incredible plant diversity, which are an important sanctuaries for large carnivores such as the Eurasian lynx, the brown bear, wolf and golden jackal. Large and almost unspoilt forests are home to many Natura 2000 species, like white tailed eagle, ural owl, three toed woodpeckers and even the olm, the endemic species of the underground and clean water habitat. Here you can find more than 5000 endemic plant and animal species, among them 170 reptiles, 78 amphibians, 253 fish, over 800 subterranean beetles, and 9 species of marine mammals inhabit or occasionally visit the Adriatic Sea.