Discover Dinarics offers different opportunities to explore Dinaric nature: you can experience the presence of wild bears in their natural environment or stay in the lodge in a lonely village and learn about coexistence between large carnivores and people. Enjoy responsible nature guided tours that support nature conservation, promote coexistence with wildlife and generate revenue for local communities.
Discover Dinarics tours follow the guidelines for responsible bear watching. All tours are supervised by an experienced field guide. Group sizes are kept small to cause minimum disturbance to bears and other wildlife. Each product booked through Discover Dinarics gives at least 5% to nature conservation nongovernmental organisations that are registered and active in northern Dinarics. Tours are designed in integrative approach, involving other natural and cultural attractions of the region as well as local companies to show that bears and other wildlife species can be seen as additional attractions for the region and can generate profits for local communities.
Why choose Discover Dinarics tours?
• nature guided tours follow the guidelines for responsible wildlife watching
• at least 5% of the profit supports on-the-ground conservation of wildlife and nature
• support and meet bear friendly ambassadors
•learn about coexistence between large carnivores and agriculture
• get to know other local natural and cultural attractions and taste traditional cuisine
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